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PSHE curriculum and information for parents

Hawthorn Primary School is a family and our PSHE curriculum is of paramount importance to us. It is initially delivered through the Jigsaw Programme. This consists of the same six half-termly puzzles (presented and tailored to each year group) as highlighted in our school policy. Each half term begins with an introductory assembly held by the PSHE Lead. Certificates are also given in whole school celebration assemblies at the end of each unit to celebrate children who have particularly excelled in this area of learning. eg the ‘Dreams and Goals’ puzzle inspires children to work together for their achievements and have aspirations. Hawthorn Primary also inspires children to reach for their dreams by encouraging class visits/trips and inviting visitors into school with different occupations eg firefighters, police officers, personal trainers, authors, etc. These trips although linked to our citizenship curriculum are also related to curriculum areas, for example The Great Fire of London history topic in Year One linked beautifully to a visit to the local fire station whilst encouraging many children to aspire to become firefighters.

Our PSHE curriculum overview also shows the in-depth planning we put into supporting the mental health and well-being of our school family such as celebrating: ‘Hello Yellow Day’, ‘Kindness Day’, the NSPCC ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ programmes and ‘Dreams and Goals’ days to name but a few.

We are also very proud of our ‘Happy Mind’ programme, newly implemented into school in January of this year. This proves we are constantly learning, searching for new incentives and reflecting on the best ways to support the holistic development and well-being of our children and their families.

At Hawthorn Primary we ensure all the requirements from the DFE and The National Curriculum are covered using The Jigsaw teaching programme for Personal, Social, Emotional Education also referred to as PSHE.

Below is a detailed overview of the PSHE curriculum.

The teaching of PSHE is planned throughout the year and the overview below demonstrates the order in which each each unit is taught.  

Being in My World

Autumn 1

Celebrating Difference

Autumn 2

Dreams and Goals

Spring 1


Healthy Me

Spring 2



Summer 1

Changing Me

Summer 2

Pupils are taught to take responsibility for their own behaviour and understand how this impacts others. This progresses to how the choices a person makes impacts in class, community and globally.

Pupils explore the importance of learning to listen to others as well as being listened to. Rules, rights and responsibilities are explored. Pupils compare self- identity with how they think others perceive them. 

By exploring what makes each person special and comparing similarities and differences between characters, pupils learn to celebrate difference.

How to make friends, standing up for yourself and hurtful words are studied to help pupils understand the many forms of bullying that exist. Pupils learn how to give compliments, problem solve and show empathy

Stereotypes are explored too in relation to gender, race and disability.

Family conflicts are also explored.

Pupils consider different learning styles and how success criteria can help us achieve our personal learning goals including how to overcome obstacles.

The emotions that are felt in success and disappointment are explored. Pupils are taught how we can all make a positive difference in the world. How achievements are recognised, jobs, simple budgeting and supporting others (charity) are also taught in this area.

Healthier food choices, food labels, relationships with food and healthy eating and nutrition (including snacks and sharing food) are explored in this area.

Pupils earn about rising to fitness challenges and why exercising is so important. The importance of getting enough sleep, emotional and mental health support and strategies for managing stress are also covered.  

Pupils learn different aspects about keeping safe, e.g. both on and offline, attitudes towards drugs, how substances affect the body, smoking (including vaping) and the link between alcohol and anti-social behaviour.

Pupils also learn about exploitation, county lines and gang culture.


Pupils learn about family life and friendships (including falling out, how to be a good friend and celebrating special relationships.

Physical contact preferences and boundaries are explored too.

Pupils learn about the people who help us in our everyday lives.

A range of emotions are explored- jealousy, love and loss and feelings around memories of loved ones.

Topics such as boyfriends and girlfriends, building self-esteem and appreciating animals and people are also explored in this area.

Issues such as online gambling and gaming, grooming and support to reduce screen time are also covered.

In this final half term, the focus is on our bodies, how they change and how to cope with it, growing from a baby to an adult and animal and human life cycles.

The needs of baby and how they grow are also studied.

Puberty and the differences between male and female bodies using the correct terminology is taught.

Subjects such as conception (including IVF),  and sexting are also studied.

Each unit is broken down in to small 'pieces' to create six lessons covered across a half term.

Relationships and Changing me 

The final 2 units are taught in the summer term.  This unit covers the statutory Relationship Education, Sex Education and Health Education, often referred to as RSHE or RSE.

Below is a detailed overview of The Jigsaw Programme and RSHE.  This included details about what your child will be learning at each part of their journey through school within these lessons. It also included some helpful tips on speaking to your child at home about RSHE.  Jigsaw is a great scheme that have also allowed us to share the planning for each of these topics.  The planning for each year group can be found below.