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Welcome to Year 5!

In year 5, a typical day sees English (Reading, Writing and SPaG) and maths taught in the mornings.  In the afternoons, varied non-core subjects and Science is taught.  These include History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, Computing, Religious Education, French/BSL, PHSE and Physical Education (PE).  

Mr Bannister  Class Teacher

Mrs Barrow Teaching Assistant

PE will take place in year 5 on a Monday, PE kit is expected to be worn and comprises of:

· A plain white T-shirt

· Black shorts

· Black slip-on pumps

In Winter, a plain black tracksuit can be worn.  Please note that bracelets, rings, necklaces and hooped earrings are not permitted.  Children will be asked to remove items of jewellery.  Children who have their ears pierced can where small stud earrings. 

When it is your child’s PE day, they are allowed to come to school dressed in their PE kit. Please read the above information carefully to ensure that your child is in the correct kit.