Our Gruffalo home learning...
We are reading a selection of wonderful Julia Donaldson books this term. The children's 'takeaway' task was to create their own Gruffalo - look at their amazing learning!
We are reading a selection of wonderful Julia Donaldson books this term. The children's 'takeaway' task was to create their own Gruffalo - look at their amazing learning!
The children have been exploring representations of zero and 'not' zero.
We have been reading 'Martha Maps it Out'. We looked on 'Google Maps' and 'Google Earth' to see where our school is located and what places are in our local community. We explored our local community to look at places on the map.
We are making super progress in reading! Please remember to sign your reading record at home. Thank you
We have been exploring shapes with four sides.
Which shapes have four sides? Which shapes do not have four sides?
Can you describe a rectangle? Are the sides straight or curved? How many corners do rectangles have? What is the difference between a rectangle and a square?
We have been using non-fiction texts and the internet to research if all animals lay eggs.
Can you tell a grown up which animals lay eggs and which animals have live babies?
The children have been typing about who they think came to visit our classroom...
We found gigantic footprints and a hen that laid ten golden eggs...
Key Questions