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  • Bonds to 10 (three parts)

    Published 12/04/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    Thea “two in the pond, four on the grass and four on the logs, equals ten”

    Keelie “ten on the grass and zero in the pond and zero on the logs, still equals ten”

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  • Celebrating Eid...

    Published 12/04/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    The children have been sharing their wonderful Eid celebrations with the class (visiting family, going to the Mosque, decorating homes, having "special food", wearing new clothes, receiving gifts and much more...)



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  • The caterpillars have arrived...

    Published 09/04/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    In Science, we are learning about minibeasts...

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  • Let's Get Baking Parent Workshop...

    Published 19/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

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  • Science Week...

    Published 12/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    We are exploring apples and planting beans (we need to be observant and patient).

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  • World Book Day...

    Published 12/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    A wonderful visit from author Sofia Georgiou who read her book ' Emma's European Adventure' to us. Small world, creative, construction, role play and many more activities linked to stories we love...

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  • Happy Mother's Day. The children have been writing adjectives in their Mother's Day cards...

    Published 12/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

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  • In Science we are exploring 'Signs of Spring'...

    Published 05/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    We have been reading spring stories (Don't Touch that Flower, That's not a Daffodil, Bloom and The Tiny Seed). We have been taking photographs of 'signs of spring' on tablet computers and investigating what plants need grow...

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  • PE - Fundamental skills and team games...

    Published 05/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    Galloping, jogging, skipping, hopping, jumping and balancing...

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  • Geography 'Our School'. We have been using aerial photographs to locate areas in our school...

    Published 04/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    Recording our findings...

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  • Doubling in mathematics...

    Published 04/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    What is double 2? What is double 4? What is double 5?

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  • In Geography, we have been celebrating St David's Day (learning about Wales)

    Published 04/03/24, by Clare Maksymczuk

    We have made daffodil hats and painted the flag of Wales...

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