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Christmas Fun

What a wonderful Christmas in Year One this year!

It began with a visit from the Jolly Christmas Postman! He delivered his chosen book for our writing lessons and even left his postbox for us. It helped us to remember our verbs too, by encouraging us to include ‘ -ed’ words in our writing, such as ‘delivered’ and ‘posted’ etc.

We also loved decorating our Christmas tree and couldn’t believe how naughty our Christmas Elf was. He left us a different surprise every day. We also took part in creative RE lessons to help us learn the true meaning of Christmas by making finger puppets of the Christmas Story characters and designing a group tree including different materials to represent parts of the story, e.g. white tissue for the Angel Gabriel, golden shiny paper to represent the gift of gold, etc. We also loved taking part in the EYFS/KS1 Nativity. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break too!