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WW2 Workshop

On Tuesday 28/11/23, Steve visited us. He gave us an incredible immersive experience of WW2!


We started the day by learning (and acting out) how WW2 begun. The children then created their own air-raid shelters and had to make sure that they were in their groups, protecting the smallest member everytime they heard the air-raid siren! After break, we took part in a workshop which involved talking about weapons. As Steve is an ex-policeman, he was able to talk to us about the dangers of guns and knives, the consequences of them and also why they were/are used during wars. As the children were so sensible and mature around this matter, it was decided that they were able to paint their own rifle which could then be used in an army drill and march later in the afternoon. 

Following from lunch, the children looked at evacuation and the feelings and process of this nationwide effort to protect children. They learned about the very important role of women and The Land Army. 

Finally, and definitely the childrens' favourite part was taking part in the army drills. Sargeant Williams did not go easy on the children and expected them to maintain a straight face and composure at all times!

Take a look at our photos from the fantastic day...
