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Year One

The Year One Team are really excited to welcome the children and parents of our Year One family back to school for the Autumn Term. We have lots of fun activities planned already and have been delighted to see the hard work put in by parents and children during the Summer break as pupils returned to school with their home learning creations of 'The Great Fire of London'. They were amazing! This was a wonderful start to a new school year and was quickly followed by our 'Stunning Start' introduction to the history theme with an online workshop from 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' author, Kate Cunningham.  Our writing lessons this term will include a focus on handwriting, using capital letters and full stops correctly, adding finger spaces, including nouns, Proper Nouns and verbs in sentences, labels and captions and much more ... In maths lessons we will start with Place Value, looking at sorting objects, counting objects from a larger group and writing number names just for starters. Please continue to encourage your child's love of reading at home as you share reading books, comics, library books, etc. Reading is one of our main priorities at Hawthorn Primary and we really appreciate your help. We will also be making regular visits to our local library to add to our fun!

Please feel free to speak to myself, Miss James or Miss Barker if you have any queries at all concerning your child this year. We strive to make the transition from EYFS to KS1 as smooth as possible for both you and your child. A member of the Y1 team will always be available at the beginning and end of the day. 

Thank you again, 

Miss Phillips


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